Countermeasures against Counterfeit Products
QR Code Genuineness Determination System

This system enables anyone to easily identify whether the Icom product you have is genuine or not using a smart device.

When you scan the QR code and a "Genuine" screen is displayed as shown below, check the the contents to determine whether your product is genuine or not.

When you scan the QR code and a "Counterfeit" screen or any other content is displayed, the product is counterfeit.
This is a sample QR code. You can test-access it, and see the result of a "Counterfeit" screen.
QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and in other countries.
What Should You Do If You find Counterfeit Icom Products or a Counterfeit Website?
If you suspect that you have been offered or purchased counterfeit Icom products, contact your local distributors, or directly contact us:
A list of our authorized distributors is here :
3D GENUINE Icom Label

The hologram label which guarantees the made-in-Japan genuine Icom product has been changed.
New label
The Icom logo turns, and the four corners are colored in orange when you change the horizontal viewing angle.
Conventional label
About the conventional 3D GENUINE Icom Label, check here.
Please Note:
Products with the new label are already put in the market, but products with the conventional label are continued to be sold until products are sold out.
How to distinguish genuine Icom radios from counterfeit (fake) radios
The "3D GENUINE Icom label" is attached to these models: IC-V80/E, IC-U80L, IC-V88,IC-U88, IC-G88, IC-80FX, IC-2300H, IC-2730H, IC-F1000, IC-F2000, IC-M25, IC-M25EURO, IC-M200, IC-M330, IC-718 and more. This label enables you to distinguish genuine Icom products from counterfeit products. If the label is not attached to the product, or the image does not change, the product is probably counterfeit. You should not buy it, or you should exchange it for a radio with the proper label.
How to find the genuine hologram label

Handheld type
Rear chassis under the battery. (Remove the battery pack)

Fixed-Mount type
Bottom of the case. (Flip the radio upside down)

Mobile/base type
Bottom of the front panel. (Flip the radio upside down)

Packing box
The genuine products mentioned above have a "Genuine Label Attaced" indication on their packing box, as shown.
Three types of counterfeit (fake) Icom products
Type 1 Copies of currently produced models |
(Example) IC-V80(-T), IC-V80E, IC-V88, IC-U88, IC-M200, IC-2300H (-T), IC-718 |
(Advisory) Purchase only those models with a genuine hologram label. |
Type 2 Copies of discontinued models (No production/inventory) |
(Example) IC-V8, IC-U80, IC-V85, IC-V82, IC-M304, IC-2200H |
(Advisory) Almost all Type 2 products are counterfeit. It has been a long time since the products were discontinued. Purchase the new models, such as the IC-V80 and IC-2300H (with a genuine hologram label). |
Type 3 Non-Icom models but with an Icom logo |
(Example) Non-Icom model IC-V87, IC-V89, IC-UV91 |
(Advisory) Type 3 models are 100% counterfeit. |
Pay special attention to counterfeit IC-V80, IC-718 (currently produced model) and IC-V82 (discontinued model). Copies of these models are floating in the market.
Conventional Label
How to distinguish genuine Icom radios from counterfeit (fake) radios
The "3D GENUINE Icom label" is attached to the models shown below. This label enables you to distinguish genuine Icom products from counterfeit (fake) products. If the label is not attached to the product when you purchased it, the product is probably counterfeit. If the radio does not have the label, contact your dealer or distributor and exchange it for a radio with the proper label. The labels will be attached from October, 2013.

As shown in the image above, the Icom logo and GENUINE, can be alternately viewed by changing the viewing angle. The images can be seen more clearly in sunlight and under direct light. If the image does not change, the product could be counterfeit (fake). You should not buy it, or you should exchange it for a radio with the proper label.
The label will be attached to: IC-V80, IC-U80/L, IC-V82, IC-V88/U88 IC-G80, IC-80FX, IC-2300H, IC-V8000 IC-F1000/F2000, IC-F16/F26, IC-M23/M24. IC-M304, IC-M411/412.
Three types of counterfeit (fake) Icom products
Type I Copies of currently produced models |
(Example) IC-V82, IC-V80(-T), IC-V80E, IC-U80, IC-U80L, IC-G80, IC-80FX, IC-2300H(-T), IC-M304 |
(Advisory) Purchase only those models with a genuine hologram label. |
Type II Copies of discontinued models (No production/inventory) |
(Example) IC-V8, IC-V85, IC-2200H |
(Advisory) Almost all Type II products are counterfeit. It has been a long time since the products were discontinued. Purchase the new models, such as the IC-V80 and IC-2300H (with a genuine hologram label). |
Type III Non-Icom models but with an Icom logo |
(Example) Non-Icom model IC-V87, IC-V89, IC-UV91 |
(Advisory) * TYPE III models are 100% counterfeit. |
ALL Icom radios are Made in Japan
ALL Icom radios are produced only at our factories in Japan

Icom has its own manufacturing facilities only in Japan. All Icom products are tested to pass rigorous in-house tests as well as environmental tests at our factories in Japan before shipping.

Icom radios marked " Made in China" or made in another country are 100% fake.
* Accessories such as batteries, chargers, microphones and other items can be made in other countries.
Genuine vs Counterfeit
Although the prices of counterfeit products are less than genuine products, counterfeit products have the following disadvantages and risks compared to genuine Icom products.

Risk of leakage, fire or explosion of the battery

Shorter battery life (Which means you must change or recharge your battery often.)

Shorter communication range (Which means your voice may not reach as far as you expected.)

No support from Icom

Not as rugged as a genuine Icom radio (It may easily break if you drop it.)

Much shorter product life (You need to replace the radios more often.)
- Lower sensitivity (Which means you may not hear a signal).
- Lower performance at high or low temperatures or in severe environments.
- The display has a narrower viewing angle (Which means the characters on the display are vague).
Icom policy regarding counterfeit products and their suppliers
We have taken legal actions against counterfeit manufacturers, importers and suppliers in many countries. In addition, we continuously update counterfeit product information and inform custom authorities, dealers and end-users to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit products. We are making our best efforts to eliminate fake products from the market.
Counterfeit products are often not type approved.
You might be penalized, or products can be confiscated, under your country’s law.
What should you do if you find counterfeit Icom products sold or offered counterfeit Icom products
If you suspect that you have been offered, or you purchased counterfeit Icom products, please contact your local distributor in your country, or contact us directly
A list of our authorized distributor is here: